Ponoka Family and Community Support Services Board

The Ponoka Family and Community Support Services Board is a voluntary board made up of community members (Members at Large) and two municipal representatives—one from Ponoka County and one from the Town of Ponoka.

Members at Large are appointed for a three-year term which may be extended to a second three-year term. Board Members at Large are selected via an application review and interview process. The applicant review process strives to appoint applicants to obtain diverse representation on the board.

Board Application

Municipal representatives on the board are elected to their municipal council and then appointed to the FCSS Board by their Council for a one-year term.

Currently, there are a total of 10 Board Members. The maximum allowed is 10 under by-laws.

The Board is responsible for fulfilling the agency's contract obligations to participating municipalities. The Board has final authority in hiring permanent staff, formulating and monitoring board policies, and developing the agency's vision.

The Board meets a minimum of 8 times annually in addition to the Annual General Meeting held in October. Monthly Board meetings are not open to the public except by invitation or by approved request. However, the minutes of all meetings are available at the office to view. Board meeting minutes from January 2017 onwards are available on the website under Board Business/Minutes. Annual reports can also be viewed at the same location.

Board Members

Dennie Hycha

Board Chair

Contact Board Chair

Mark Matejka

Ponoka County Representative

Sandra Lyon

Town of Ponoka Representative


Audrey Velie 

Vice Chair

Marvin Beier

Shelly Brake

Karin Star

Adam Smith

Hannah Barrett