
If you are accessing the services offered by Ponoka FCSS, payment may be required. We have made it as easy as possible for you to make a payment with a number of different payment options.

Accepting Payment Types



Debit & Credit

*Please note that debit/credit payments can only be accepted for FCSS services such as Lifeline, Home Support, Family Counselling Appointment, and FCSS trips. Any donations made to the Ponoka FCSS Cancer Fund, General Donation Account, Handivan, etc., must be made by cash or cheque

How to Get Your Payments to Ponoka FCSS

In Person

Make your payment at the FCSS Office in person at 5006 52nd Avenue, from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (we are closed weekends and stat holidays).


Mail your cheque payment to Ponoka FCSS at:
PO Box 4004
Ponoka AB
T4J 1R5


A credit card payment for services can be taken over the phone. A receipt will be mailed if requested. 

Drop Box

A drop box is located on the outside of our building at the front entrance (to the right of the doors). Any payments or documents can be put in this secure drop box after hours. It is checked every morning that the office is open. If clients are using the drop box, we ask that: 

  • Payments are only in the form of a cheque
  • Everything is kept together in an envelope
  • All necessary information is attached (such as an invoice number, services being paid for, recipient name, and contact information 

Online payments will be made available in the near future. So, make sure to keep an eye out for this feature that will make payments even easier.


If you have any questions about how to make a payment, feel free to contact the Ponoka FCSS office. We are happy to help and provide any further information.
