Ponoka FCSS Administrative Staff


Executive Director

Shannon has been the Executive Director of Ponoka FCSS since 2012.  

Shannon provides direction and support to all aspects of Ponoka FCSS, including human resource management, program development, service delivery, and financial accountability. She guides the work of the agency in consultation and direction for the Board of Directors.  

Shannon holds a Business Administration Diploma, a Bachelors Degree in Administration of Human Services and a Dual Focus Masters of Arts  in Work, Organization and Leadership as well as Community Studies.

E-mail Shannon

Executive Assistant

Mellissa assists the Executive Director and the FCSS Board with all aspects of their roles and committee work. Mellissa also has a lead role in our Accreditation  and polices and procedures duties. She also works diligently to support the Handivan Society.                                       

 E-mail Mellissa

Home Care Ponoka and Wetaskiwin 


Assistant Manager Ponoka 

The Assistant Home Care Manager coordinates the Home Care Program in Ponoka, which includes all aspects of staffing, meeting clients' needs, and improving the quality of care within the scope of the home care contract with Alberta Health Services (AHS). 

E-mail Jackie


Scheduling Administration


 Cindy works diligently to ensure quality client care is scheduled in a timely manner with client safety, personal preference and specific needs in mind.

               E-mail Cindy




Nursing Consultant and Educator 

Arlene is responsible for training and supporting our Health Care Aides.  Arlene teaches programs such as Medication Assistance, First Aid and CPR , Hand Hygiene and so much more! 







Assistant Manager Wetaskiwin

The Assistant Home Manager in Wetaskiwin ensures client needs are met with a high level of quality and safety. Like Jackie, Taylor mitigates scheduling, data collection, reporting and all things home care related. 

E-mail Taylor





Scheduling Administration Wetaskiwin

From receiving care plans to scheduling client care and staff shifts, Taylor is there to help. 

E-mail Gina







Scheduling Administration Wetaskiwin 

Scheduling client care and staffing is one of the main roles Jennifer completes,  along with reporting, data collections and ongoing monitoring. 

 E-mail Jennifer 




 Community Programs and Services


Program  Coordinator

Speak with Carley if you are interested in installing a Lifeline,  or want assistance with home support (house cleaning).  Carley will be  planning group outings, organizing and supporting FCSS volunteers  and also spearheads the volunteer income tax program., while Shelly is away. 

 Carley  is looking for new ideas and is interested in hearing from community members who wish to get involved.

E-mail Carley

Indira (Indy) 

Community Navigator & Silver Lining Coordinator

(Term Position) 

One of Indie's roles  focuses on assisting persons that need help in navigating systems such as income support, housing, obtaining identification, or meeting basic needs. 

The Silver Lining Coordinator position   provides support to seniors in the community to maintain connections in the community. Indie has a wealth of experience in Addictions/ Vulnerable Population support, and she has an infectious energy. 

E-mail Indy





Remember to check our Facebook Page for our latest programs and outings!



Family Counselling



Koreen has her Bachelor
of Science in Behavioral Science,
Masters of Science in Marital &
Family Therapy and is a Canadian
Certified Counselor through the
Canadian Counseling &
Psycotherapy Association. She has
been counselling for over 20 years
with Individuals, couples and
families. Her specialty is utilizing
various cognitive therapies with an
emphasis on the fundamentals of
Family Systems Theory.

E-mail Koreen



Donna has her Bachelor of
Social Work & brings 20 years of
experience working with children
and youth. 

E-mail Donna

Ponoka FCSS Family Counselling offers a sliding scale for counselling fees based on household income.


Crisis Treatment or long -term counselling is not eligible for this program.  


Individual, couples, family and group counselling are provided based on prioritization of need 


Bereavement counselling, support groups and referral services are also available. 







Financial Controller 

Wes  provides financial leadership and is instrumental in forming our accounting strategies. Wes completed  in-depth financial analysis and provides  financial perspectives and opinions. 

E-mail Wes



Payroll and Billing Administrator

Shannon takes care of  the administration of our  bookkeeping, staff payroll and benefits as well as manages our billing for Home Care. 


E-mail Shannon



Administrative Assistant 

Melissa is the friendly face and voice at the front desk and on the phone. She is happy to help you with information and referrals as well as accounts receivable and payable. 

E-mail Melissa




Compliments & Concerns

If you have any concerns or compliments you would like to share, please complete the Compliments and Concerns Form. You can either print it off and drop it off at our office, or you can complete it online and email it to us.

Printable Form
