Funding For Individuals

Personal Funding

Individuals needing financial assistance can apply for funding from Ponoka FCSS. Ponoka FCSS receives donations directly from individuals and community businesses that fundraise on our behalf. These donations are deposited into a number of different accounts depending on the request of those donating resources.

Funds can be requested specifically for assistance with illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and diabetes. Proof of diagnosis is required when requesting funds for the above diagnoses. For medically related financial needs other than what is noted above, there is a General Donation Account that funds can be allocated from. 

Use the following form for funding requests for individuals to a maximum of $500.00. Completed forms can be mailed to Ponoka FCSS, Box 4004, Ponoka AB T4J 1R5, faxed to 403-783-4483, or dropped off at the office. There is a drop-box if you are dropping your application off after business hours.

Personal Funding Application


Donation Funds

General Donation Fund

The General Donation Fund serves as a valuable resource to help community members who are facing financial challenges or special circumstances that cannot be supported by other sources. This fund provides a safety net for individuals and families. By contributing to this fund, members of the community can help support those in need and ensure that everyone has access to the resources they require to lead a healthy life that has a little less worry. 

Cancer Fund

The Cancer Fund is designed to provide financial assistance to individuals in the community of Ponoka and Ponoka County who are facing the diagnose of cancer. The funds can be used to cover a variety of expenses related to the diagnosis as medical bills, transportation costs, and other related expenses that can add up quickly. The goal of the fund is to help ease the financial burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis and provide support to those who need it most. By providing this assistance, we hope to make a positive impact on the lives of those who are facing this difficult challenge.

Donate to the Cancer Fund

Breast Cancer Fund

The Breast Cancer Fund is similar to the Cancer Fund in that it is intended to provide financial assistance to those facing a serious diagnosis. However, this fund is restricted to assisting local residents who have breast cancer.

Contact Ponoka FCSS about any of our donation funds, whether you are looking to donate or access financial help.


Scholarships & Bursaries

Human service is defined as an interdisciplinary field with a primary commitment to meeting the basic physiological and wellness needs of populations through prevention, remediation, and treatment. Human services encompass careers primarily focused on supporting people in vulnerable situations, including but not limited to; mental or physical illness, abuse, addiction, advancing age, and/or poverty. 

The Levi Busat Human Services Scholarships are intended to support deserving young people who wish to further their education and contribute to the community they live in.

Deadline: June 1st of each year

Individuals living in Ponoka County east of the 5th Meridian or in the Town of Ponoka and who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  1. Have demonstrated a solid commitment to their studies in high school or in their post-secondary program (high academic standards will be considered but are not a requirement.).
  2. Have been or are involved in school and community service activities for the benefit of others.
  3. Have shown a significant degree of self-help in achieving their goals.

Ponoka FCSS will award up to 10 scholarships of $1000 annually. Funds for this scholarship are the result of contracted service surpluses of Ponoka FCSS and may vary based on financial availability.  

Applicants are eligible to receive the scholarships a maximum of four times or until they complete their initial program, whichever comes first. Subsequent-year applications require proof of enrollment in the program and current academic standing.

To be considered for this award, eligible individuals must apply by the deadline by submitting a completed FCSS Human Services Scholarship application form. Individuals can apply up to the age of 25 years. If the initial application is made at age 25, they will remain eligible for the scholarship until the completion of their program or the maximum 4 times. 

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Completed applications should be submitted to Shannon Boyce-Campbell, FCSS Executive Director, by mail to Box 4004, Ponoka, T4J 1R5, or dropped off at FCSS's street address: 5006 – 52 Avenue, Ponoka. 

You can also scan the signed application and email it to shannon(at)

Selection Committee: A committee consisting of no less than three designated FCSS Board members or assigned alternates.


Last Revision October 2020 (post FCSS board meeting) 


  • The bursary program was established in the fall of 2016 with the proceeds of a local fundraiser (HAFLA) produced by the Ponoka Dance Troop (Andrea Ramage and fellow dancers).

With the following definitions in mind, the bursaries were established: 

  • Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
  • Arts is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  • Leadership is "a process of social influence which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.”

The purpose of the Bursary Fund is to: 

  • Focus on the local community. 
  • Assist community members who are experiencing difficulty and special circumstances that cannot be funded through other sources.
  • Use a system that disseminates funds in a fair and just manner, focusing on the identified needs, gaps in services, and priorities of individuals and families within Ponoka and the area.
  •  The bursary program's intent is to enrich the lives of children aged 4-18 by reducing financial barriers to arts and cultural-based programs. The programs are anticipated to assist in building confidence, leadership, productivity, and creativity. 


  • Individual youth and/or families applying for the bursaries can access the funds if: 
    • the activity is NOT sport-based and does not fit within the parameters of KidSport, Sport Central, JumpStart or other Bursaries or Subsidies that the activity is applicable.
      • Examples include the Gymnastic Club Subsidy Program and the Ponoka Agricultural Society.
    • The program the youth is registering in is a sustained program that is a minimum of four weeks in duration with a minimum of one session per week. 
    •  It is encouraged that in the case of camps, the youth attend a camp which provides at minimum two consecutive days (thus allowing for weekend workshops/seminars).
    • The applicant is a resident of the Town of Ponoka or the East of the County of Ponoka. 
  • Individual youth and/or families are eligible to receive funding for more than one activity per year, provided they do not exceed the individual and/or family maximum.
  •  Locally based programs are encouraged, however, if the program is unavailable within the Town of Ponoka or County of Ponoka limits, accessing programs in other areas will be considered.
  • Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICOs), which are published by Statistics Canada, may be used as a benchmark to determine if a family meets eligibility. If income levels are requested, and the family indicates they have extenuating circumstances (for example: have a significantly lower income than the previous year’s Notice of Assessment indicates, it may be requested that they submit paystubs, E.I. income etc., from the previous 3 months)   
  • Individual youth are eligible for $250/calendar year of funding and families are eligible for a maximum of $500/calendar year of funding 
  • If an application falls outside the parameters of these guidelines and is not eligible for other funding, the eligibility will be at the discretion of the Ponoka FCSS board.   

Possible Programs

  • Music Lessons/ Camps
  • Leadership Courses/Camps
  • Public Speaking Seminars
  • Drama Classes/Camps
  • Photography 
  • Computer Programming 
  • Art Classes/Camps
  • Culinary Courses 

Process of Application:
Applicants will complete the application form (see link below) and submit to the Ponoka FCSS Administrative Staff for review.

  1. Applications will be reviewed by FCSS Administrative Staff and if additional information is required, the Executive Director or Designate will forward that request.
  2. If fees have already been paid for the program by the applicant and a receipt was attached to the application, a cheque will be issued to the applicant directly for reimbursement or the maximum allocation (ex. camp fees for one child are $500, we would only support at maximum $250.)
  3. If it is a financial burden for families to "front" the funding, Ponoka FCSS can provide a cheque to the agency.

Youth Bursary Application

Contact Ponoka FCSS if you have any questions about our personal funding opportunities, scholarships and bursaries.
