
Need a hand getting around?

If you have limitations that prevent you from driving to appointments, shopping, or visits, the HandiVan is available.

The HandiVan is operated by the Ponoka Wheelchair Van Society to transport those who are wheelchair-confined or cannot otherwise be transported comfortably and with dignity by other standard carriers, such as personal vehicles and taxis.


Booking the HandiVan:

In Town Trips

To book the wheelchair van for in-town trips, call 403-783-0399

In-Town Hours of Operation:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm & select Sundays
  • 24-hour advance notice is requested when possible when you are booking an in-town trip.

Out of Town Trips

To book out of town trips, call 403-783-9752

Please try to book out of town appointments at least 2 days in advance.

Operational Fees

There is a small user fee for using the van. We also accept donations and memorials for individuals or service clubs. Local municipal and provincial government grants help reduce our day-to-day operational costs.


HandiVan User Fees

In Town

$ 5.00 per person, one way

Out of Town

$5.00 per person, one way, plus 60¢ per km, plus hourly wait rate of $22.14 per hour

Trip Tickets

Trip Tickets are available from drivers at $5.00 each or 10 tickets for $45.00

Donations & Memorials

Donations or memorials can be left at the Ponoka FCSS office, the Ponoka Funeral Home or with the van drivers.

You can also mail donations to:
Ponoka Wheelchair Van Society
Box 4004, Ponoka AB T4J 1R5

As the society is a registered charitable organization, donations are tax deductible. Receipts are issued for donations of $5.00 or more.  

Donate Online

  • Be ready 10 minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time.
  • Drivers will wait for riders for a maximum of five minutes as delays affect the next pick-up.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Breakdowns and delays can happen.
  • All passengers must wear seatbelts unless medically excused.
  • Book at least 24 hours in advance to help us maximize our resources. When making a booking, please inform us of all stops that you intend to make.
  • Same day bookings are based on availability, so there is no gaurantee.
  • We prefer at least three hours' notice when you cancel your bus. With enough notice, we can accommodate other passengers.
  • Sidewalks must be clear to get you to the van safely. Drivers have the discretion to decide if your path or stairs are in an unsafe condition.
  • The driver will help you to your destination or home but is unable to accompany you into the building.
  • Drivers are not responsible for carrying your groceries, so make sure you have made arrangements if you require assistance.
  • There is no charge for the accompanying escort. Escorts are expected to provide assistance for their designated passenger.
  • Additional companions may ride at the regular fee but only if space is available.

Need More Information on the HandiVan?

For more information, please call 403-783-4462 during business hours.